Quality and Skilled Healthcare for You Anytime, Anywhere
Jodi refers to telemedicine as “healing from a distance“. With your laptop or phone, you receive quality healthcare support anywhere. Telemedicine sessions serve to diagnose—and treat many conditions and keeps your health thriving.
Jodi helps people when a condition arises unexpectedly or if it’s a routine matter. You get the convenience of staying in your home while getting the care you need to treat conditions to keep your health strong and vital.

A telemedicine session, customized for your needs, will include:
Condition/Symptom Review
Health History
Treatment Plan
Acupressure Points & Meridian Massage
Supplemental & Herbal Prescriptions
Mental/Emotional Outlook
Health Coaching
Additional Health Areas (nutrition, stress relief, life balance, movement and exercise)
To start feeling healthy today, fill out the form.
For a faster response, call 415-457-7762.
If you are experincing acute symptoms (i.e. fever, vomitting or intensely painful headache), please contact your physician.

Session Purchase Area
After you have spoken with Jodi and set up your appointment, click the Purchase Session button to pay for the telemedicine session using Paypal. The price of a session is $85 USD and payment must be received 24-hours in advance of the appointment.
If you wish to pay by other means, such as credit card or Venmo, Jodi would be happy to accomodate another payment method. Let her know your payment preference when setting up the appointment.

Jodi Weitz Acupuncture
A Modern Approach to Ancient Chinese Medicine
Call 415-235-9799 for a complimentary consultation